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The inhouse lead tech, you can't make this up

While working in new mexico, the other day I was sent to splice in a node to coax. When I arrived, there where two fiber cables going into the node housing, one was a temp. from the old headend. The fiber splice was housed in plastic bag that was zip-tied to bell. The node was hanging about 4 feet from where I needed to splice it. When I moved it the fiber splice broke. I called my boss to let him know what happend and called our fiber splicer too. Of cource by the time we were fixing it every one from the cable company had showed up including the "lead tech" that ran the temp. fiber. He asked me how on earth I could have broke the fiber (no need to go there). However when our splicer got there my boss thought we should use an old LE housing for the fiber splice. When we were putting the fiber in the LE the same "lead tech" asked us if we were going to use the LE to amplify the light... I said of course not, this is an old LE it will only go up to 450mgz
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