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Careful working for Tatecon LLC out of Texas

He’s not a legitimate employer.
wants to hire you as an independent contractor to circumvent his tax responsibilities.

I have nothing but bad experiences working for people advertising on this website.
People be careful!
a lot of these wannabe companies on here use the old bait and switch.
dont let them mis-classify you as an independent contractor but treat you like an employer.
 People here don’t learn it’s illegal to miss classified employees as independent contractors  they are not under the law 
You are not an independent contractor even if you agree to be one on paper and even if you are
paid 1099. 
 They circumvent the law from their responsibilities to withhold your taxes, pay you overtime , benefits, unemployment insurances and so on.
its not legal. All it takes is one angry employee to miss a payment like I did and another guy there...  and the department of labor will be up your alley in no time and best to getting you three years back and if you are found out to be purposely miss classified employees to save on payroll taxes...could lead you  to jail time... please search the forums on Tate a guy here that served prison time a few years back for the same conduct 
This is posting #376222. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Careful working for Tatecon LLC out of Texas MicroMan 4/17/2018 8:41:04 PM
Re: Careful working for Tatecon LLC out of Texas digitaAgeComm 4/16/2018 9:29:40 PM