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Re: Guys from Lineman School

Had a pole climbing school here in Ohio, we ran 980 people thru it..10 people a week to include some females.  It was a 40 hr course where we taught pole climbing, pole rescue, Red Cross CPR,map reading.  No matter where the people were hired, they first had to attend the pole climbing school.  To certify on the last day, had to free climb a 35 ft pole and ring the bell.  One of the females once left her bra hanging from the bell.  By having this school, we reduced our insurance by thousands $$$  note: we also housed and feed them all week at local hotel.  Great for any company of size.  It all came down to their Attitude, if they really wanted this type of work.
MicroMan...Thanks to my instructor Ron, who was send to a power lineman school to see what it was like to be on the training part of being a lineman.
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Posted in reply to: Guys from Lineman Schools by stupidcableguy00
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Re: Guys from Lineman School skidmark167 4/10/2018 8:30:02 AM