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Your assessment of my faith, or anyone else's for that matter, is at best dillusional & at worse, psycopathic.  At no point have I or anyone else on this forum ever discounted the achievements of science.  You single out the actions of a pointed few, totally disregarding the achievements of the overwhelming majority.  Your obvious anger is directed at the ones who least likely will defend themselves, thus providing you with the false sense of power & inteligence that you seem to need to survive.  I apologize for the injustices that have afflicted you & yours in the sense of my inability to establish any sense of logic & reason to your obviously warped & damaged perception of the world at  hand.  I don't know the hurt you have endured, seemingly mostly self induced, & I will not pretend to understand your sense of hopelessness & suffering.  But I will proclaim that there is a victory for you over your lost & pathetic existence & if you would spend but a small portion of your time to at least look for yourself, I am confident of the outcome.  A wise man once told me to "believe none of what you hear, & only half of what you see".  The apostle Paul tells us to “Test all things; hold fast what is good”, and even refers to this act as being "noble".  If you would take a serious look at the evidence, & I mean ALL the evidence, it would be impossible for any sensient being to deny the existence, at the very least, of a Higher Power.  Science has never created life of any sort from the known elements.  Science has never proved the "missing link" that would substantiate any form of evolution.  Science has never explained any known natural science from gravity to time itself.  Even electricity is a theory.  No one has ever seen an electron move through a wire.  It is a theory, mathmatically prove to its known extent.  Cause & effect.  That is our limit of understanding.  That is why God gave you & I the desire to progress.  The unending drive to see what is around the next curve, over the horizon, & beyond the stars.  But to do that, we must find a way to not destroy ourselves with hatred & anger.  I have always called you Brother in my conversations about you.  Not because of my faith in God, but because of my faith in you.  We share the same world, the same air, heck, we may have even hooked the same stick in our lives' path.  I hold no anger or hatred toward you, but a broken heart that you do not know the comfort I have with my miserable & sorded past.  I would only hope & pray that you may someday find at least some semblance of peace with whatever has hurt you so much to hate me or anyone else of faith.
This is posting #374455. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Mastermoron mervinm 8/8/2018 10:27:24 AM
Re: Mastermoron Jim Doherty 10/25/2017 7:56:42 AM