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Re: Greenlight FTTH

not much different....a drop is a drop to NIU on side of the house.  depends if the drop is pre connectorized or you have to place. Some designs you have to run a couple poles to get to the so called tap.  It should be paid based on a footage basis or per drop with additional add on's.

Once you do one....they become cookie cutter type of install.   This is the way of the future so get some training, read up on it, talk to cable manufacturer, visit a site that is already doing it.

Most thought the same way when coax drops first came along feeding from a tap.  Back in my time, we wheeled out everything, place Amp/LE mid span where every the footage said, drops were presure taps mid span, hubs were tube type, amps were later put on x arms.  

If you want the work...your figure it all out.  Have TWC tech teach you off hours over a w/end.  Nothing to it, just do quality work and be safe.

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Posted in reply to: Greenlight FTTH by PeterKramell
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