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Re: Strike work

Seems odd that most of the posts on this site are some inderfference to their employer, or want to be employer - or this and that, with no real rights, except to quit the project you are on, forfiet some retainer, or look somehwere else, as you really have no other voice of others to agrue or weigh the situation as being fair or not.  I wonder with some of the late night posts if anyone actually calls to voice their concern with some respect for both sides.

So when an outfit the size of Verizon has their organized labor go on strike for I am sure a lot of reasons, pension, helath care, etc., why is it that going to work as a 1099 for that company during the strike time, as a Scab as it is referred to, improve the overall perception of our industry as a whole and any really decent contractors.

Just a thought..

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Posted in reply to: Re: Strike work by webber560
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Re: Strike work webber560 4/17/2016 9:42:48 PM