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Re: switch digital

Are you using SA/CISCO DNCS? If so that level input has a range setting in the dncs. I'm not sure about a motorola DAC, but would think they have that setting as well.

On the DNCS there are multiple ranges, 0dB could be the middle of the window one of those ranges depending on the setting. I've seen MSO's have boxes set for +10dB into demod. It all depends on your company and or system design.

You can run a bell curve report ont he DNCS and see where the boxes transmitting at. It will display a graphical picture of the box transmit levels and it will look lke a bell with the center of the bell (core population of boxes) in the 40-45 range. If you see the tx levels all over the place then that indicates unitity gain problem in the plant. If you see core population of boxes on high or low side of bell then that indicates level problems into demod either too high or low.

One other thing, that area that you are not getting an IP address one pole away, are you seeing the 0dB at the demod from both locations (where it works vs where it doesn't)?

Hope that helps..

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Re: switch digital Sparky17 1/10/2014 6:30:25 PM