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Think about it.

Once the Gov. controlls your healthcare, there is nothing to stop them from controlling every aspect of your life. Under the canopy of mandated healthcare the Gov. will have the power to impose a fine or tax on anything they feel is a health risk to you or others around you. Now think about it. Under obamacare you are now mandated to get healthcare and they will have the power to control how much you pay for it. This is just one example, this hasn't happened yet, but I see this coming. Under a liberal run Gov. firearms will be considered a health risk. If you own one you will either have to pay more for your healthcare or pay a fine. Think about it. These are liberals we are dealing with. 
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Think about it. johnmc3 10/28/2013 10:49:47 PM
Re: Think about it. LocoDawg 10/28/2013 8:04:51 PM