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Re: Guns....20 Dead Children

Fuel taxes pay for roads. I'm under no obligation to buy fuel, so that doesn't fit the definition of slavery. Everything else you mentioned is paid for via property taxes, not income taxes. Still technically avoidable.

The 16th Amendment was passed in 1913. America existed from 1776 to 1913 without an individual income tax, a span of 137 years. We've only had the 16th Amendment for 99 years. Bottom line is, this country has known more time without an income tax than it has with an income tax. By the way, every service you mentioned has existed before 1913 so they were still getting provided without the need to take a pound of flesh from every man's labor.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Guns....20 Dead Children by dfwdtv
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Re: Guns....20 Dead Children dfwdtv 12/20/2012 9:53:16 PM