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From a Friend


My ride with God


Here I'm an on the road again, on a road that seems to have

no end. The road into town seems short and direct, but I don't

know where to turn, I have not found it yet. God only knows

how far I have to go , how fast or how slow, I really don't

know. I've asked the Lord Jesus to come ride with me, but I

wreck the car every time I hold the key. My dear Lord would

you mind driving for me ,he smiled and grinned as I handed

him my key. As we rode on down the road he looked over at

me ,he said look out that window what do you see? I said

.this place is beautiful where could we be? He said this is

your life I want you to see, and this what it would look like if

you would have rode with me . I said dear God where did I go

wrong ,he said sit back and relax I'll tell you my son. You see

this road the one we are on, I built it myself before the first

dawn. lt was a wonderful road smooth as ice with lots of

beautiful things I made it real nice. The day we arrived I had a

tear in my eye , I knew it wouldn't be long ,and you would be

gone. And I was right you ran away from me one night, you

thought you knew just what you wanted to do. You ran so

long so hard and so fast, I even watched you as you smoked

some grass. It broke my heart to watch you fall apart, but I

always knew what I put inside of you. So come to me and I'll

set you free, we'll have a new start ,with a new love in your


kid cable
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: From a Friend danimal 8/12/2012 10:41:11 AM
Re: From a Friend LocoDawg 8/6/2012 10:08:02 PM