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Amtec trying to pay off people?

I received and SMALL check for unpaid wages with a release form today for "Unpaid Wages" I quit that lousy company more than 2 years ago........wonder how they found me and why I am being paid off...................Time to call my lawyer
This is posting #339040. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Amtec trying to pay off people? persiding 7/4/2012 3:32:18 PM
Re: Amtec trying to pay off people? islandcable 2/7/2012 10:02:49 PM
Re: Amtec trying to pay off people? islandcable 2/7/2012 10:01:04 PM
Re: Amtec trying to pay off people? ronjrcosten 2/3/2012 3:52:37 PM