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Why not

Can someone tell me why we can't shoot the person who screws you and ruins you. What kind of man lets another man screw his wife and kids and dose nothing. They said they can't pay out because they didn't get paid. Has anybody ever sighn a contract that agrees to this. People will say take them to court file a lean so on and so on.
How is this going to help for Christmas or food next week,or bills that have to be paid. Yet they have their house and rides and buy their kids stuff.  Today I had to lose my honor by asking for food stamps just to make sure my family can eat next week. I have lost my Honor I have never asked anything from this Gov and I don't belive in taking people to court. I just want to know why I can't burn their house down and take everything from them including his health. When I had my stroke I never asked for help I haven't climbed a pole in 5 years or picked up a ladder and I still never asked for food stamps or anything else from this Gov. I had to fig out something else I tried commercial side and still this I am so tired of this. I just wish someone would explain to me WHY.
My wife asked me what would it get me, my reply is it will make me feel better hell I am just tired of the BS may be if more people did put a cap in these people  there would be alot less of this going on. Why can't I make their wife and kids suffer they made mine why should mine be the only ones  Some people might say God don't want me to how do they know this. God made the jews suffer he had David kill woman and childern approve Slavery how do they know I might be the tool to strike back Gods wrath. Why can't I do this. I am sorry I just lost my Honor today
and its CHRISTMAS and I can't even buy my two little boys nothing.What kind of man dose this make me. Hell I had to tell my 2 sons that attend school out of state not to come home for break because I can't afford it. WHY  
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There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Why not goodsky 12/4/2011 12:34:15 PM
Re: Why not bloop 12/4/2011 3:30:24 AM
Re: Why not LocoDawg 12/3/2011 6:36:07 PM