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Re: snap shot of modem

Believe it or not.  My modem is staying locked.  Do have somewhat slow speeds.  Now here is the fun part.  I AM NOT THE ONE WHO SET THIS UP.  My bosses so call friend/CONtractor is the one who set this up.  I did my best to explain to them that the return needs to be bumped up by at least 6-8dbs at the amp.  I even put attenuators on back of the modem to play with the signal.  For me to get the upstream level up to 40db, I had to drop my rx down to -4db.  I dont know about most of you, but I dont like negative numbers at all. 

Now after Irene hit here.  I was the only tech in town to get everything back up and running.  Lets just say it wasnt the easiest thing to do.  Not only getting the town video and internet back up.  I had the upstream snr level up to 25db which is high for this area.  I had everybody tx levels around 40-45db.  Except for a couple of areas that were in the mid to high 50s due to signal loss.  But everybody was up and getting the speeds they expected.  After these so call contractors techs show up.  Everything dropped.  The rx snr dropped to the low 30s and the signal goes way up.  The tx levels severaly dropped with no improvements on the upstream snr.  Its even to the point I told my boss that these so call techs.  I do not trust what so ever.  I highly believe they are hacks.  I stated that they a throwing in equipment that is not needed.  They are not fixing anything.  They are doing nothing except adding bandaids that will come unravel in the real near future.  WEll, that went well like a lead balloon.  I was told I was on a ego trip.  That they have 25 years or more experience compare to my 10 years.  Now, I am not allowed to touch any equipment in this system. 
This is posting #335267. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: snap shot of modem by Birdman
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: snap shot of modem gmntkn01 11/17/2011 9:19:45 PM
Re: snap shot of modem Joe50 11/10/2011 11:02:40 AM