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It REALLY is true.....

I got into line work 29 years ago and just can't believe how the industry has changed.When I became a lineman we were respected, now we (us "Old School" linemen) are treated like a pair of worn out Westcos. I could make more money 25 years ago than today, when gas was only $0.99 a gallon, and you could get a real nice hotel for $24.00. I could go anywhere in the country and find work and NEVER worried about not getting paid. Now?? Well, we all know what is going on now. AND I AM SICK OF IT!!! I find it amusing to read about all the whining and crying going on and yet so many people still put up with it. I read so many postings where people "suggest" pulling together to let the contractors know that "We are not going to put up with it anymore". Maybe there is NOTHING that can be done to bring things back the way it was before, but to keep settling for less and less is destroying the industry. Personally, I have had my fill, I am outa here, DONE, Finished, Capputt. I started the thread "Just curious....." because I was wondering if I am the only one here that is so sick of what this industry has become that actually walked away from it rather than just complain about it and I see the replies that say that people have to rot their minds with drugs to cope. (And I read other postings that people complain that employers drug test their linemen) I used to think that it was management that destroyed the industry, but I guess in fact it's all the circus clowns up in the buckets and on hooks that have destroyed it. Yea, for all you "Newbies" that have been in the industry, for say 10 years, and "Call" yourself "Old School" you probably say that it has ALWAYS been this way. Well, keep on keeping on, as for this "Old School" lineman. I AM NOT PUTTING UP WITH IT ANY MORE. The "Good ole Days" are gone, and even though I miss what it was like to be a "Real Lineman" I really enjoy what I am doing now........ And yes, I do enjoy reading about all the Circus Clowns performing here on the CABL BAR.
With God all things are possible
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There are 3 replies to this message
Re: It REALLY is true..... johnmc3 10/14/2011 6:12:09 PM
Re: It REALLY is true..... cabl trash 10/14/2011 4:53:09 PM
Re: It REALLY is true..... gococks 10/14/2011 1:51:36 PM