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Re: Micor/Rocim engineering

Hey matt you guys still working for micor, I turned them into i.r.s. they sent me a 1099 for money I didnt even work for. I had to pay taxes on that temporarly, talk about shirts, we were told back when that to get our pay check one week  that we had to purchase a least one work shirt, let alone the fact that we were hired as employees for a certain amount of time per week and then 1099 like a contractor the rest of time, I had to all taxes and ssn payments, the unemployment in that state tried to tell me that they didnt even pay that but still got unemployment for a short time, that company was a joke, I tried to make it work, but hard to do when you have the qc peaple making more on changing faceplates because  they had them in thier trucks on not on ours to do the work, I got charged back charges for taps i didnt claim. just because they changed the face plate every body that worked there knows this because we all suffered from this
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