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WOW I never thought I would say goodbye

The years of looking up at the aerial lines and wondering what cable company is in town so I can go door to door is out of my blood. I remember the dasy when it was fun. I remember the days when I use to laugh at all of the 30 day chargeback jobs for us sales guys. I remember when I wouldnt even leave my house for a sales job that anything less than 4000 a week. I remember when the cable companies actually though that they needed us sales guys. I remember when I couldn't drive fast enough to the next job because I was excited to go sell some cable.  ALL THIS IS GONE NOW.. I drive through a town and I really could care less what MSO is there because I DON"T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ANY OF THEM..

I will never throw my tools away but today I am happy jumping on peoples roofs inspecting for damage. The homeowner actually thinks I have a brain...SHHHH because I have a license to do insurance adjusting now. Yeah, its not 5000 a week like some of the back in the day cable jobs but hey its steady and its fun. Way more doors have opened up for me in the past three months then in the past 10 years of doing cable sales...

Good luck to you all!!

Middle finger up to you inside sales managers and all you suits behind the desk..

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There are 3 replies to this message
Re: WOW I never thought I would say goodbye Tallmarks 7/20/2011 3:50:33 PM
Re: WOW I never thought I would say goodbye Running 7/20/2011 8:11:18 AM
Re: WOW I never thought I would say goodbye djackson8809 7/20/2011 12:10:27 AM