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dick network

  I hear alot of talk about back charges ....Now here is the truth to sum it up regardless even if you work for cable of direct TV ..they are shutting down mutiple Dish offices all over are there QA guys are not to happy about being out of a job thats why the qas are getting so strick and rediculas , Hell Im sure there are alot of you guys out there just like me trying to make a honest lioving working as a contractor but guys we all have to face it the money days are gone its a chess match with qas and there gonna win no matter how much they suck in the field and couldnt make it as a tec . trust me ive been to countless jobs on service right behind a Dish tec and it looks like total ass ,,and I get shit for fixing it and take responsibilty for 60 days ..Oh not to mention customers calling me when they moved a TV or some other stupid shit .........WOW its getting old working for free sometimes
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Re: dick network hookman 81 5/31/2011 11:36:26 PM