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Re: Anyone have experience doing cable collections

Nonpay discos can be good money if you 1. have a good manager who gives you one area (not running you all over town crossing over everyone else), 2. learn your area and when people are most likely home, and 3. make your own flyer to tag the door instead of using the standard door tag.

I have worked some areas making a grand or even two a week on nonpays for minimal hours (40 or 50).  Then I have worked areas when 80 hours wasn't enough to collect and make $800 a week. It really depends on the area, and the cable company policy - # of contacts, etc.

Also, if you are getting nonpays at the 60 day mark, you are already in deep water.  If you can get them around 50 days status, you are in much better shape because then you have a few days to work them.
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Posted in reply to: Anyone have experience doing cable collections? Wh by truthinreality
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Re: Anyone have experience doing cable collections shepherddogs 9/30/2010 3:38:26 PM