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Bidding For Jobs #2

This is not quite on par with the other thread going here so I thought I would start a new thread. There are a couple opportunities I would like to get involved in.

The first one is a new local company here in Central Illinois laying fiber for Triple Play services. There I think my best bet would obviously be to get an in house position, learn the product, and when they finally have all the fiber laid work with management to get a contract to run an outside sales team.

If I did do that, and I was one of their best sales reps at the time what are the chances such a company would give one of their top in house reps a chance at the contract ? I would think as a local company they would want to maintain their business relationship with existing people that know their product well. At the same time they might be hesitant to give up on of their in house agents that is producing. Thoughts ?

Second, I know the downsides and the inherited risks involved with running a satellite store ... But it is also something I am considering at the end of this summer as the company I am working for is a summer program mostly. They seem to be a sound company but the one thing I don't enjoy about working with them is the lack of communication between installers and sales reps - making it impossible for me to take commission cuts to get the jobs done .. Quick turnovers for lack of LOS from Dish to Direc or vice Versa - which has led to lost income. Few other minor issues which have led to some minor frustration but hey that is life .. and I do admit I let it effect my ambitions way to much - this is corporate America and they are the boss....

Anyways, if I was to get my own satellite company what is involved ? Do you have to have a store front location to get approved by Dish or DirecTV ? Do they frown on offering both in the same stores ? What is involved in not only getting the approval from the two major satellite companies but another local provider for phone and internet ? Don't tell me to booze and schmooze the local manager. I am asking for actual steps such as market research for correct bidding price, how to propose a bid, whether I need an attorney to draw up the papers, what to expect at the initial bid proposal meeting (if I get that far), exactly what type of insurance I would need just to get the contract, and such forth ..

Thanks in advance for any help !

This is posting #307068. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Bidding For Jobs #2 photon 7/8/2010 10:56:10 PM
Re: Bidding For Jobs #2 sdelnay 7/8/2010 6:44:31 PM
Re: Bidding For Jobs #2 GlobalPointData 7/6/2010 7:35:28 PM
Re: Bidding For Jobs #2 SpeedLasher 7/6/2010 4:14:43 PM