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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This

Your right I have done install both cable and satellite and I have not experienced the charge back syndrome most have. But I have seen it happen and unfairly. They provide a contractor with nothing except where to go and the common parts. It is the contractors job to do the job correctly and have the insurances and fuel, and maintaince,and tools, parts and customer service and much more according to contracting company. You act like you take all the risk. You dont. Your perspective as I see by your statement is one sided. Which is why pay is so low and prices go up. If you and others would insist on fair prices to be paid then this argument and others would not exisit. You want to call me and pay me as a contractor, then treat me like an employee. . Barely staying above the water level or paying to work because of the way work is distributed is unfair. And so are some of the rules that are applied in this buisness. We are contractors and just because the economy takes a downturn does not give you a right to try and BS everyone out of earned wages. Either act like the law tells you to or keep trying to justify the BS you keep spouting out in here. As far as the labor board goes they do not see many of you as treating contractors fairly. That is why they are taking a good look at it all now. If there was no evidence there would be no investigation. If I was you I would get a new perspective. Afterall you wanted to be in charge and now you are. Be fair or get fair. I also suggest you look up what a Independent contractor is. It certainly isn't a employee. This is the only buisness I know where the company gets away with stealing a labors honest earned pay in such tremendous volumes with no written reason except telling him hes been charged back. Which I am sure you will find out is illegal in the 1st place as soon as you see whats comming in the very soon future
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