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Re: cox certification test tomorrow!

Not to difficult to understand. I will kind of break it down. The return telem is a frequency between 5 and 42 MHz in which your field unit talks with the Headend sweep gear. The level at which this frequency talks with the sweep gear at the node, should be maintained throughout the node. EX. Node telem at -1 and all other amps it feeds also at -1. The slope cover the complete bandwidth (In this case 5 to 42MHz) and should be adjusted for flatness, which also should match the node reference. If the Slope is not flat, the services deployed on the return can be either attenuated or to hot. Modems will have to transmit in the 50's to over come the attenuation or turn down in the 30's depending on how much level they are talking with the equipment in the headend. For more detailed information look on the SCTE or JDSU web site. There are PDF's that you can download that are quick reading. Also discuss this topic with a sweep tech. How this helps.
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Posted in reply to: Re: cox certification test tomorrow! by drifterdawg
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Re: cox certification test tomorrow! KCable785 7/17/2007 1:46:00 PM