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Where's The Experience Anymore

A I the only old dog that sees the lack of experience out there these days. You have techs acting like they know it all and have been around for a few years in one location. You have supervision that knows nothin but reports. Ask one to help ya with a noise problem and you get the old deer in the headlites look! You have upper mgt. that comes from Airlines, Sears etc. You have the general hourly attitude about repairs, just throw a temp down,hot tap it, pin-F passives for more signal, lie that you didn't do it and forget about it. You have techs that have a few years under their belt being called "old cable dogs" Give me a break. When I was learning to climb I was pretty good, but would not have the nerve to call myself a "TOP HOOK" until 10 some years of climbing sticks, 40-50 a day.
I guess this is the new cable world out there. Where did the good old days go.
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Where's The Experience Anymore oldmanh 11/25/2006 10:05:00 AM
Re: Where's The Experience Anymore qlpth 11/25/2006 6:52:00 AM