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Re: C-band problem

Had a problem in Biloxi MS. Vert bar sweeping through as viewed on a wave form monitor. The sinc of the 140 IRE/1VPtoP signal was being supressed thus causing a roll on a set top.
The IRD would would lose auth for a moment then return only to repeat the same.Prob was intermitt.
Used a spec anaz with a waveform monitor.
Need to know if the at the downconverted freq/the sat rx freq.Then get the correct filter.
I used a notch filter as the signal I was hunting was interlaced with the c band at the downconverted freq.

Give PDI (Passive Device Inc.) a call in Boca Raton FLA and talk to the owner or Engr.
They will give some insight.
Tell them Tom From Wireless one recom.
It's been awhile.
This is posting #153521. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: C-band problem by robert f
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Re: C-band problem Chad Thomas 10/5/2005 1:58:00 PM