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It's only going to get worse..

I'm probably preachin' to the choir and may only be expressing senitments heard over and over again but I have to get it out before I explode.
This relates to CATV installation only so Sat. and Const. guys may not relate.
I started my cable career as an install subcontractor back in '79. Since that time I've been exposed to just about every technical aspect of CATV. Not that I am a master of the business, I just know enough to know something is dreadfully wrong with this industry.
Most MSO's and contractors require a lot from an installer, own truck, tools and ins. 6 day work weeks etc.. This has been the norm for as long as I can remember, no real complaint there since over the years, up until now, it's been a good business to be in for the money.
What I've seen lately is MSO's taking away invoiceable items such as activation of existing additional outlets on reconnects, relocates, wallfishes and attic crawls, burying cable after the ground block and various other sundrie items which made going the extra mile on an install more attractive to the professional installer.
While taking away these items, they have offered nothing in return like raising the prices paid on new installations and reconnects. Basically expecting more work for the same prices.
There is no incentive left to attract competent people to this profession. I used to recruit young men and women for this line of work now I discourage them from even trying.
The start up costs for a fledgling subcontractor used to be a few hundred dollars, now it's a thousand or more with no garauntee that the work will be there to recoup the expenses. Most new recruits here drop out before completion of training, out of the ones that make it through training, only a small percentage make it another 6 weeks. The technology that they are expected to learn and understand is overwhelming nowadays especially since training is expected to only take a week, any longer than that and a man without a paycheck will move on quickly.
It's a sad thing when MSO's are pushing for higher subscriber numbers offering installation specials to get those numbers up, increasing the workload on the installer, not paying him for what his work is worth to begin with, and expecting him to smile while he's bent over the barrel.... The average for our shop last year was $700.00 and up per week, now it's $500.00 or less
MSO folks listen up.. ya get what ya pay for. I have a hard drive FULL of photo's of inferior installs directly related to not paying professionals what they are worth because professionals will not work for the prices offered anymore. Keep cutting prices and you'll keep getting worthless hacks in your systems, oh, they wont stay long but the bitter memory that your subcribers have from shoddy work and/or poor customer education will last long after they are gone..
Pay the men and women that are doing the work what they are worth and you'll find that you can attract people CAPABLE AND WILLING to do the work!
Oh well, just rambling on a Saturday afternoon....
This is posting #132352. Tiny Link:
There are 7 replies to this message
Re: It's only going to get worse.. cablemn86 7/5/2004 3:22:00 PM
Re: It's only going to get worse.. The Meat Grinder 7/5/2004 1:47:00 PM
Re: It's only going to get worse.. SCcabledude 7/5/2004 3:31:00 AM
Re: It's only going to get worse.. bigmacr 7/4/2004 11:27:00 AM
Re: It's only going to get worse.. otel 7/3/2004 5:33:00 PM
Re: It's only going to get worse.. barkdog 7/3/2004 4:40:00 PM
Re: It's only going to get worse.. woodhook 7/3/2004 4:08:00 PM